Published by: Vipissy on

Pissy Initiation

fresh face Our ever-popular babe Eva Brown, who is lounging on the couch while her stunning new lover works out, introduces Elina De Leon to our newest pissing porno. Eva decides to play while Elina is lying on the glass coffee table. She climbs above Elina and starts to spray her with golden showers! Eva comes down to kiss up Elina's hot body and lap up her own fluids after taking her time soaking her training shirt and shorts! She gives Elina's pierced nipple a cheeky lick before lounging doggy-style on the couch and engaging in some lesbian action! Eva's gorgeous girlfriend soaks her ass and back with pee before they strip down and Eva gets to enjoy having her pussy sucked! As they undress, these sultry lesbians continue to give each other piss showers and share a pink dildo! It's safe to say that Elina had a fantastic experience with her lesbian pee play initiation!

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