This morning, Zena is more aroused than normal. She opened a very sensual narrative when she woke up. One that she hadn't read in a while. A strange trickle begins to stream down her body as she approaches the pleasant areas. She needed this exactly to start her day. She bathes in the warmth slowly, sensing it throughout her shaky body. Zena lets her jaw drop as her partner starts to urinate. savoring the last drop that makes contact with her tongue. He takes her clothes off and starts to lick her asshole after he has completed letting out his morning urinal. He keeps going up and down till it's nice and ready, at which point he inserts his finger. She starts to urinate on her own chest, pleasantly astonished at how much she enjoys this. He uses a fantastic dildo to further loosen her up before he can ram his throbbing cock into her wide-open ass. She invites it in as soon as it's ready for his cock. You won't want to miss this one anal shit love scene.