Another fresh face on Wet and Pissy is the stunning Erika, a hottie who knows how to tease while rocking a white shirt and denim hotpants. She reveals her little, flawless tits when she unbuttons her top, and then she shows off her crotchless pantyhose! This naughty girl enjoys some strong but brief urinal blasts as she sits up on the dining table and begins pussy pissing all over it! Erika fingers her dripping wet pussy and rubs her ass in her piss puddle before letting another stream of piss fall onto the tabletop. Erika shows off her blowjob abilities and licks up her secretions after plunging into her mess and sucking on a black dildo. She sets it down on the table and rides it, lifting off to give her toy a golden shower before continuing to savor it in a variety of poses! Finally, in her first pissing porno, this lustful minx creates a lasting impact while flashing her ass!

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