stunning blonde In the lounge, Coco is decked out in athletic hotpants and a crop top. This gorgeous beauty teases as she begins to undress. Coco curls up on the leather couch and begins to urinate all over her shorts and the wooden floor. This naughty hottie mops up her juices and squeezes them down herself before getting completely naked to pleasure her pussy. Coco grabs a glass goblet to urinate into after touching her very wet hole. Coco's golden fluids pool, and she uses her tongue to lick the urine, allowing it to trickle back into the glass. stunning blonde In the lounge, Coco is decked out in athletic hotpants and a crop top. This gorgeous beauty teases as she begins to undress. Coco curls up on the leather couch and begins to urinate all over her shorts and the wooden floor. This filthy hottie sucks up her own secretions and presses them down, then strips off entirely to satisfy her pussy. Coco grabs a glass goblet to urinate into after touching her very wet hole. Coco's golden fluids pool, and she uses her tongue to lick the urine, allowing it to trickle back into the glass. To give piss drinking a proper attempt, she pours the remaining liquid over herself and into her mouth!

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