Oprah, a curvaceous blonde, makes a comeback to Wet and Pissy. In her most recent scene, she approaches the bed and poses provocatively while wearing cropped tiered top and tight denim shorts. This hottie with tattoos puts her hand into her panties, rubs her pussy, and then licks her fingers clean. She abruptly starts urinating in her underwear as she squats next to the bed! She slobbers all over her hotpants' crotch, dripping her fluids onto the tile floor below. Oprah splashes around and sits in her juicy puddle of pee before bending over on the bed and squeezing her sodden underwear! Blonde Oprah makes a comeback to Wet and Pissy, and in her most recent scene, this stunning babe walks Oprah takes off her hotpants and sucks on the wet material before removing the rest of her clothing. This big-boobed girl lies down on the bed and begins to spray another stream from her pissing pussy while fingering it. She completely soaks the bed linens and chews on them before using a metal speculum to spread her pussy open. Oprah urinates as we focus closely on her gaping hole and this flirtatious beauty enjoys herself with a pink vibrator! She licks her naughty fingers clean after

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