Published by: Vipissy on

Pissy Meditation

Beautiful baby Mini Mitzi decides to entice her buddy Linda out of her trance by interrupting her while she is meditating. She starts pissing on Linda's pussy, which surprises her at first, but this exotic cutie loves being drenched in Mini Mitzi's streams! Mini Mitzi licks Linda's wet lingerie and these naughty girls kiss before they switch places for Mini Mitzi to get soaked in piss showers too! These pissing lesbians squeeze their drenched clothing over each other, then together then kneel up and catch their combined pee streams in a glass bowl! They playfully splash each other and lap up their wet mess before piss swapping between their mouths! Beautiful baby Mini Mitzi decides to entice her buddy Linda out of her trance by interrupting her while she is meditating. She starts pissing on Linda's pussy, which surprises her at first, but this exotic cutie loves being drenched in Mini Mitzi's streams! After these naughty girls kiss and Mini Mitzi licks Linda's wet underwear, they trade places and Mini Mitzi gets soaked in pee showers too! These pissing lesbians squeeze their drenched clothing over each other, then together then kneel up and catch their combined pee streams in a glass bowl! They exchange poop between their mouths after enthusiastically splashing and sloshing each other's moist mess!

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