Published by: Wetandpissy on

Linda C

Hottie Linda from Colombia is back on WetandPissy for another steamy scene where she carefully takes off her dressing gown to show off some adorable pink and white underwear. Linda grips onto her crotch, obviously wanting to urinate, after rubbing her hands up and down her legs, which are covered in stockings. She begins pussy pissing into a massive glass goblet while standing next to her coffee table. This naughty chick picks up the glass and pours her golden pee over her underwear, turning it see-through! She makes quite a mess trying to collect her stream! Colombian hottie Linda returns to WetandPissy for another wet porn scene with us and strips slowly out of her dressing gown to reveal some cute pink and As the camera pans in close, Linda gives herself a taste of her own piss drinking as she swallows mouthfuls of the golden nectar and spits it back out! She does this in a sensual manner! Before treating herself to a jelly dildo, Linda urinates and licks her moist hole once again! As the camera pans in close, Linda gives herself a taste of her own piss drinking as she swallows mouthfuls of the golden nectar and spits it back out! She does this in a sensual manner! Before treating herself to a jelly dildo, Linda urinates and licks her moist hole once again!

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