Published by: Wetandpissy on

Katty West

Gorgeous Katty West, with raven hair, approaches the couch while wearing a skimpy minidress. This seductive beauty enjoys making jokes, and when she settles on the couch's edge, she tucks her leopard-print underwear in between her swollen lips. Abruptly clutching her crotch, Katty gets to her feet, searching for a lighthearted method to let go of her desperate need to urinate. She moves her underwear to one side as she stands over a massive glass goblet and begins pussy pissing into it! We pan in on her stream of pee as she points it towards the goblet, splashing it with her fingers before she fills her mouth with her golden poop. This naughty baby spits her juices back out over her body before dripping the remainder through the tight fabric of her minidress! Kitty gets undressed and leans forward on the sofa to touch her plump crotch. This hottie begins to urinate once more, this time over the couch, then she licks her fingers and drops on the ground to play with a glass of dildo! This ravenous hottie lays with her legs in the air, orgasming and spraying a last stream of piss all over her face while engaging in lots more sex toy play! You won't want to miss this, one of our naughty videos!

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