Published by: Wetandpissy on

Serenya Gomez

Beautiful brunette Serenya Gomez returns to Wet and Pissy, teasing in a summer dress adorned with flowers. She lowers the hem of her dress to show off her nipples while perched on a wooden seat. Pulling her panties to one side, Serenya starts pissing all over the floor while raising her dress. She creates a quite remarkable arch of golden urine, settles into her puddle, and rubs her feet and ass all over it. After squeezing her pee all over herself and mopping it up with her dress, this sexy babe gets naked and touches her pussy while lounging back on the bench. Serenya catches another stream of urine in a red dish, and this time she gives herself a taste of drinking urine by licking it up. She spits back some of the golden nectar, swallowing some of it! Before releasing more fucks over her sex toy, this lustful hottie sucks them dry and urinates all over herself while using some love eggs! After enjoying herself, Serenya wraps up with a pink dildo and rolls around on the dripping wet floor!

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