In her first scene, the sultry MILF Sarah appears on Wet and Pissy, kicking back on the leather couch while sporting high heels and denim shorts. She feels so hot that she touches her pussy through her hotpants' crotch before realizing she has to urinate. She reclines, and as her legs shoot straight up into the air, she urinates all over her pants, seeping through the denim crotch! As the dark blue streak slides over her ass and onto the couch, Sarah, the mischievous one, uses her hands to rub her urine. She tastes her fingers and appears really relieved before taking off her hotpants and sucking the liquid straight out of the denim! This lustful girl unclips her lace bodysuit and touches her pussy while lounging back on the couch. She begins to finger her dripping pussy before releasing a powerful stream of poop into the floor in a sideways motion! This is the largest stream we have ever witnessed! After stripping naked, Sarah uses her bodysuit to mop up her feces before stuffing a dildo into her piss-soaked pussy! She stops to capture more of her golden fluids in a glass vase as she sucks and fucks it while masturbating. Sarah splashes urine all over her tits after dipping her dildo in it, then scoops it up and tastes it! In the doggy position, Sarah pours the remaining liquid over her pussy and dildos to finish herself! Considering that this is her first time working with us, she doesn't mind finishing with a little pee drinking!

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