Published by: Wetandpissy on

Melanie Dark

Brunette hottie Melanie Dark teases in a black miniskirt and sheer crop top, leaving little room for interpretation. This seductive young lady runs her hands over her entire body before rubbing her pussy through her underwear! While we record her pee stream flowing to the floor, Melanie starts unexpectedly wetting her underwear as she stands close to a footstool. As Melanie presses her wet underwear against her body and then removes it, we pan in close. She fingers her pussy after using them to clean up her golden juices. Melanie grabs a glass and presses its rim to her lips before holding it beneath her and fucking into it! She then pours the remaining warm nectar over her heated body, being drenched in urine while doing so. She pours her warm nectar into her mouth, giving herself a taste of piss drinking as it drips back down over her cropped top! Melanie uses a black dildo to tease her pussy. She starts from behind and then switches places. Her frantic masturbation culminates in a squirting orgasm! She then pours the remaining warm nectar over her heated body, being drenched in urine while doing so. She pours her warm nectar into her mouth, giving herself a taste of piss drinking as it drips back down over her cropped top! Melanie uses a black dildo to tease her pussy. She starts from behind and then switches places. Her frantic masturbation culminates in a squirting orgasm!

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