Published by: Wetandpissy on

Lexi Dona

Having raven hair Lexi Dona makes a comeback to Wet and Pissy in a kinky scenario, and this time she's in the kitchen wearing tiny hotpants and a crop top. With a cheeky expression, Lexi grabs a pair of tongs and uses them to prick her nipples through the material of her blouse. She sets a glass bowl on the ground, crouchs over it, her shorts tucked under, and empties her pussy into the bowl. Stupid Lexi flashes her pee-soaked hotpants, then pours her golden secretions into her mouth with a ladle! As she pours the poop all over herself, Lexi is completely soaked and her clothes get ruined. This hot babe starts to urinate while lying on her table after taking off her clothes. This time, she lets the pee fall down her leg and onto the glass-topped table. She gapes herself wide open with the tongs, letting out a stronger torrent of poop before Lexi uses her fingers to finish herself off with an orgasm!

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