Teana, a stunning brunette, makes her Wet and Pissy debut. She looks sultry in tank tops and denim hotpants. Her naivety is so endearing as she teases by lowering her top to reveal her cleavage. This adorable baby is known to have a wicked side, and she won't be scared to display it! Teana climbs up onto the dining table, reaches down into her hotpants, feels her pussy, takes them off, and begins to urinate all over the glass tabletop and denim fabric! This hot babe swiftly spits out her liquidy pussy and licks it clean before collecting another stream of her golden urine in a vase. This hottie is pouring it into her mouth and all over her hair, giving herself a golden shower, and there's no stopping her! Teana, in need of more sex, rides a rainbow dildo on the table, stops to urinate all over it, switches places, and then lets out a scream in her first sexy film scene.

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