Another new face to join Wet and Pissy is Jasmine. In this update, she is shown lounging on a chaise longue while wearing only sheer lilac underwear, and she is well aware of how attractive she appears. After giving her nipples a good massage, Jasmine reaches down to her underwear and puts her hand inside to touch herself. She rubs her hands all over her hot body. She gets to her feet and quickly realizes she has to urinate, so she squats on the ground to avoid being caught on camera urinating in her trousers! We get a close-up look at her first time urinating as a wet patch develops in her crotch as her stream runs to the ground. Another fresh face to debut on Wet is Jasmine. Jasmine takes her time and her urination just never stops. She removes her underwear and submerges it in her puddle. This hottie is leaning over on the chaise longue and fingers her moist pussy when all of a sudden she urinates again while bending over! When Jasmine is done, she urinates on the floor and dives into her wet mess to finish her pissing porno! She rides a dildo that she sticks to her bedside table!

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