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Little Elis
Get ready for a wild debut as Little Elis takes the stage on Wet and Pissy! This stunning brunette wastes no time, lifting her minidress to unleash a golden shower right on the floor. She teases and pleases, using her dress to soak up and sip her own nectar. But that's just the beginning—Elis unleashes more streams, laps up her own piss, and pulls out a purple dildo for a thrilling solo performance. She rides her toy to a shuddering orgasm and finishes by slipping back into her soaked dress. Can you handle the heat of Little Elis' unforgettable show?
Marry Jane
Watch in awe as Italian beauty Marry Jane makes her stunning debut on Wet and Pissy! This curvaceous stunner isn't shy as she teases the camera and provocatively squats above a mirror, wetting her panties with a perfect pee stream. Marry takes it up a notch, lapping up her own juices and unleashing another golden stream. After stripping naked and soaking herself, she pleasures herself with a dildo, culminating in a grand finale where she shoots her piss high into the air. Marry Jane's performance is a mesmerizing spectacle you won't want to miss!
Vanessa Decker
Witness Vanessa Decker's thrilling return to Wet and Pissy, as she urgently strips down and unleashes a mesmerizing performance. Watch her fill a glass bowl, splash around, and even taste her own essence. Using a speculum and a popsicle-shaped dildo, she indulges in her desires, repeatedly releasing warm streams while bringing herself to a breathtaking climax. Don't miss her grand finale, sealing her unique and captivating show. Can you handle the heat?
Keira K
Watch in awe as the stunning Keira K returns to Wet and Pissy, unleashing her wild side in a thrilling performance. Starting with a playful tease, she quickly escalates to soaking her pants and bedsheets with her golden juices. Stripping down, Keira indulges in intense finger play and uses a metal speculum for an up-close view of her powerful streams. The heat intensifies as she switches positions, dives into her warm juices, and brings herself to a mind-blowing orgasm with a red jelly dildo. Can you handle the heat?
Ali Bordeaux
Witness Ali Bordeaux's thrilling return to Wet and Pissy as she surrenders to her desires in a daring office escapade. Watch as this brunette beauty unleashes her wild side, from discreetly rubbing herself to boldly pissing in her chair. Ali doesn't hold back, stripping down to taste her own juices, gaping her pussy, and even drinking her nectar from a glass bowl. Her grand finale? A fiery dildo climax that ends in a breathtaking piss flood. Don't miss this unforgettable, uncensored performance!
Christy Charming
Red Head
Christy Charming, a member favorite, returns for a recent obscene scene. She is seen lounging on a chaise longue, exposing her knickers and rubbing her nipples. She then sucks her fingers and discovers a small aqua sex toy. She then urinates and uses a dildo to capture urine in a glass goblet. She then masturbates before having an intense orgasm. Christy Charming is one of our most attractive and sultry pornstars, making her a must-see for any pornstar.