Foxies needs to urinate badly and, best of all, she looks incredibly attractive in her striped bikini! She urinates through her bikini panties while standing over a glass chair, then settles into her heated mess and covers her voluptuous ass with urine. She pulls off her bikini top and covers her tits with urine, then uses her hands to scoop up lots of her golden nectar and spill it over her body. She returns to the chair, her crotch becoming transparent as she massages herself before enticing her pussy lips with her bikini. Gorgeous Foxies pours a stream of feces into the chair and reclines on the sofa after stripping naked. She tastes her own juices after dipping her toes and feet into her mess. Foxies then pisses even more for us here at Wet and Pissy after inserting a speculum and a pink sex toy inside her pussy!

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