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Isabel Dark
Isabel Dark, a naughty and piss-loving girl, makes her Wet and Pissy debut wearing a boyshort and tight top. She climbs a glass table, squeezing her urine and using a purple plastic speculum. She then removes her shirt and covers her mouth. She sets a blue bowl on the sideboard, pees into it through a funnel, and then pours the contents over her nude body. She toys her pee-soaked pussy with a purple textured sex toy. She then sucks the contents into her sock-covered feet, resulting in a lustful experience.
Jessica Bell
In this exhilarating performance, Jessica Bell emerges from a sauna, clad in elegant white lace-topped stockings and a sheer top. With a playful gleam, she invites you into her world of naughty delights. What follows is a breathtaking display of self-pleasure, as Jessica teases and explores her desires, culminating in an extraordinary showcase of her unique talents. Witness her unleash powerful streams of golden nectar, use chopsticks for intimate exploration, and pound herself relentlessly with a fist-shaped dildo. This isn't just a scene – it's an erotic masterclass that will leave you craving more!
Ali Bordeaux
Witness Ali Bordeaux's thrilling return to Wet and Pissy as she surrenders to her desires in a daring office escapade. Watch as this brunette beauty unleashes her wild side, from discreetly rubbing herself to boldly pissing in her chair. Ali doesn't hold back, stripping down to taste her own juices, gaping her pussy, and even drinking her nectar from a glass bowl. Her grand finale? A fiery dildo climax that ends in a breathtaking piss flood. Don't miss this unforgettable, uncensored performance!
Vanessa Decker
Witness Vanessa Decker's thrilling return to Wet and Pissy, as she urgently strips down and unleashes a mesmerizing performance. Watch her fill a glass bowl, splash around, and even taste her own essence. Using a speculum and a popsicle-shaped dildo, she indulges in her desires, repeatedly releasing warm streams while bringing herself to a breathtaking climax. Don't miss her grand finale, sealing her unique and captivating show. Can you handle the heat?