Mia returns to Wet and Pissy for another session, and this time, she comes to play. Mia is making jokes at work while wearing a yellow tank top and red pantyhose. She covers her entire body with her hands before lowering her pantyhose and spitting into the air. Her lovely face and even part of her tank top are hidden! Mia jumps into the puddle of pee on her own and shoves some in her mouth. After taking off her tank top, Mia wrings it out over her tits and uses it to mop up her damp mess. While we're filming from below, she tears a hole in her pantyhose and lets out a huge poop on a glass chair. Mia laps it up with her mouth after rubbing her ass and pussy in her piss puddle. At last, Mia urinates into a gigantic goblet, covers her entire head with it, and uses a glass dildo to fuck her dripping wet pussy. Really hot!

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Christy Charming
Red Head
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