Published by: Wetandpissy on

Licky Lex

Gorgeous blonde Licky Lex strikes a pose while sporting tight denim jeggings and a pink tank top. She then reclines and urinates through her crotch, creating a lovely dark, wet stain on her pants! She removes them, sucking her golden fluids, then grabs a huge glass and pours another torrent of feces into it. She pours it over her tank top, pulls it up, and flashes her huge, voluminous nipples! Licky Lex stoop down and urinates into the glass bowl once more, giving us a glimpse of some incredible up-close shit, before taking a big dildo to clean herself off. Gorgeous blonde Licky Lex strikes a posture while sporting a pink tank top and tight denim jeggings. She then reclines and urinates through her crotch, leaving a She spritzes all over the floor once again while playing with dildo, and at the end, this naughty blonde manages to capture more poop in her goblet and swallows it, relishing every last drop! She spritzes all over the floor once again while playing with dildo, and at the end, this naughty blonde manages to capture more poop in her goblet and swallows it, relishing every last drop!

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Jessica Bell returns to Wet and Pissy, where she engages in a scene of self-indulgence and masturbation. She urinates in her trousers, causing golden pee to flow through her legs. She cleans up the floor with her pants, tastes her juices, and rubs her hot body with them. She then jumps up and down on the washing machine, licking her fingers and engaging in self-indulgence. She uses a dildo to fill her pussy, urinates again, and squirts while her pussy is full.