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Lexi Dona

The really attractive Lexi is an expert at pissing people off. Although she has appeared on our sister site ViPissy multiple times, we haven't had the opportunity to collaborate with her on Wet and Pissy before. Her amazing body, coupled with her natural grin and movement, satisfy our cravings. In addition, she is incredibly mischievous, cooing and laughing heartily as she enjoys herself. She is shown pissed off early on, lying supinely on her shoulders, displaying her mischievous side. She performs a beautiful aerial split, pissing over and onto her head before letting her stream cascade down her body, which enhances her posture. She circles the bed and presses her fingers into her pussy to get an amazing picture of her urinating while her stream shoots past the camera in the exact spot behind her. There are still a lot of surprises in store for you from Lexi, such her spitting poop straight up into the air and her eventual sinking to her knees, opening herself up and hosing down her feet.

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