Here at Wet and Pissy, Julia Parker makes a reappearance for her follow-up scene, and this blonde beauty does not let us down! When we last saw Julia in 2018, she was just as the same person—she still lays on the bed, rubs her hands over her underwear, and gets excited! As Julia begins this session by becoming personal with herself, her cameltoe appears quite alluring. She pulls up her underwear and then all of a sudden begins soaking her underwear on the bed, soaking both her bedsheets and underwear! After relieving herself, Julia rubs her crotch and licks her fingers with a delighted expression. This sexy blonde bends down in a doggy-style manner, her ass totally drenched, and she pulls up a portion of the bed sheet to suck her own fluids from the moist material. In order to have the greatest angle for fingering her hole, naughty Julia lies with her ass up on her pillow after taking off her underwear. We close-up on her pee stream as she spreads her pussy lips apart and begins to urinate all over herself. This minx, who is now extremely aroused, slips off her clothes and rubs her pussy with a metal speculum before opening her mouth wide. Julia spreads her pussy and aims another stream of piss into a large glass bowl, then leans back and pours her golden secretions all over her exposed body, including her tongue! Julia masturbates and squirts one last pee on the bed as she finishes herself off!

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